Student Advocacy Counsellor

Embrace the Journey: Navigating Transitions as the…

Posted on June 1 2024

Happy June!!  As the school year comes to a close, June brings a theme that's all about Transitions and Preparing for Change. Change is in the air, and we're here to help you make the most of this transition…

Prioritizing You: Self Care

Posted on May 1 2024

Hello Students and Parents of BCHS! Who can believe it’s already May?! That means only 2 months until summer break!!  Winding down the school year can be a stressful time for students, so it’s important…

Embrace Self-Love: April's Journey to "Love Your Mind"

Posted on April 8 2024

Hello, wonderful parents and students of BCHS! As we return from a much needed break, we will be leaning into a journey of self-compassion with the theme "Love Your Mind." This month, let's explore the…

Cultivating a Positive Mindset: March's Path to Brighter…

Posted on March 6 2024

Happy March BCHS Students and Families!  As we settle into March, our focus will be supporting a Positive Mindset. This month, let's delve into the transformative power of cultivating positivity and…

Embracing the Power of Kindness: February's Heartfelt…

Posted on February 1 2024

Hello, wonderful parents and students of BCHS! As we enter into February, traditionally linked with love and warmth, let's work together to promote positivity and foster genuine connections that are inclusive…

A Fresh Start: Nurturing a Healthy Lifestyle in January

Posted on January 8 2024

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great holiday season and were able to spend it with loved ones resting and relaxing after a busy 2023!  As we begin 2024 with a clean slate, we are going to focus on…


Cultivating Compassion: Embracing Kindness in December

Posted on December 1 2023

Greetings, wonderful parents and students of BCHS! As we step into December, we're setting out on a heartening journey focused on Compassion and Acts of Kindness, not just for others, but also for ourselves.…

Nurturing Positive Connections: Fostering Healthy…

Posted on November 14 2023

Hello, amazing parents and students of BCHS! During this lovely month of November, we are embarking on a journey dedicated to the art of fostering positive connections and relationships. We'll explore…

Embrace the Attitude of Gratitude: Cultivating Mental…

Posted on October 20 2023

Hello, wonderful parents and students of BCHS! Can you believe that we are well into October now and it’s still so beautiful out?! I am definitely grateful for the warm fall we have had and think this…

Nurturing Mind's: September Focus on Self-Reflection…

Posted on September 28 2023

Hello to all the wonderful parents, guardians, and students of BCHS! As the leaves transform into vibrant hues and the promise of fresh beginnings fills the crisp autumn air, we're thrilled to embark…

June 2023 - Preparing for Change

Posted on June 5 2023

This month we are focusing on Preparing for Change  “The only thing that is constant is change.” — Heraclitus, Greek philosopher Change is a natural, expected part of life. But that doesn’t mean…

April 2023 - Self-Awareness

Posted on April 5 2023

Thank you to all the families, who continue to check out the monthly blogs. Northern Lights Public School’s Division- Wide Theme for April is Self Awareness. defines Self Awareness…

March 2023 - Healthy Lifestyle

Posted on March 6 2023

This month we are focusing on Healthy Lifestyle. This includes getting enough sleep, healthy eating, and being physically active. At BCHS we will be focusing on sleep hygiene. The Better Health Channel…

February - Compassion

Posted on February 6 2023

This month we are focusing on Compassion.  At BCHS we will be focusing on self-compassion. Self compassion can help teenagers be more kind with themselves, improve their self-esteem and recover more…

January 2023 - Self-Care

Posted on January 12 2023

With exams approaching  it is a good time to remember the importance of self care and having a positive mindset. It is normal to feel anxious and stressed during exam time. One way you can help relieve…


December 2022 - Gratitude

Posted on December 7 2022

Gratitude This month we are focusing on gratitude.  One of the ways to practice gratitude is doing something kind for someone else. At BCHS we are showing the meaning of  gratitude through our generosity.…

November 2022 - Healthy Relationships

Posted on November 9 2022

Healthy Relationships    This month at BCHS we are focusing on healthy relationships. The grade 10 CALM classes will be participating in presentations facilitated by the Dragonfly Center on healthy…

October 2022 - Positive Mindset

Posted on October 5 2022

Welcome to our new monthly Counselor Connections blog! My name is Lora Harder and I have been the Student Advocacy Counselor at Bonnyville Centralized Centralized High School since 2011. I have a social…